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Lange Pharmacology Flashcards Fourth Edition 2018
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2018 Edition
Pages: 318
Offer concise, yet complete coverage of the subject. Each card covers a specific disease or drug, with high-yield facts in bold.
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education
Files size: 4.2 MB
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About the book::
A fun, fast, portable review of pharmacology for the USMLE Step 1
Written by former medical students at Yale University, LANGE Pharmacology Flash Cards, Fourth Editionoffer concise, yet complete coverage of the subject. Each card covers a specific disease or drug, with high-yield facts in bold. Every card also includes a clinical vignette on the flip side which helps students answer the question 'when is this medication the answer in real-world clinical practice?'
· 200 two-sided cards in the deck
· Essential for board review and coursework
· Created by medical students for medical students
· Clinical vignettes show students how important concepts relate to real-world practice
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What student say about lange pharmacology flashcards fourth edition 2018 ::
Table Of Contents
About the Authors
1 Anti-Bacterial Agents
2 Adrenergic Agents
3 Cholinergic Agents
4 Central Nervous System Agents
5 Cardiovascular Agents
[expand title='Read More' trigclass='highlight' tag='strong']
6 Hematologic Agents
7 Endocrine and Metabolic Agents
8 Gastrointestinal Agents
9 Anti-Neoplastic Agents
10 Anti-Inflammatory Agents
11 General Pharmacology Principles and Miscellaneous Agents
D- dig level 2ng/ml or greater is toxic
I- inhibits sodium potassium ATPase
G-GI or CNS signs indicate adverse effects (N/A for adult toxicity, stomach upset in older child
O-output, intake, and weight should be monitored
X- dont give if pulse is less than 60 bpm
I- indicated for CHF- a-fib
N- note K+, ECG, and renal function tests
N- nervousness (undesirable effect)
A- angina, arrhythmia (undesirable)
S- sugar is increased
C- cardiac arrest
A- allergic reaction
R-respiratory bronchodilator
S- stim alpha and beta adrenergic receptors
H- hypovolemia- should be corrected before using drug
O- output of urine should increase
C- constriction of blood vessels
K- keep monitoring vital signs every 5-15 min
A- avoid alcohol
N- note BP and apical pulse before admin
G- given to relax the vascular smooth system
I- indicated for angina pectoris
N-note for postural hypotension; rise slowly
A- advice client to see medical assistance if pain is unrelieved after 3 doses with 5 min interval
S- suppresses renin angiotensin aldosterone system
W- warn clinet with renal or thyroid diseases
E- ends with pril- captopril (capoten) enalapril (vasotec)
R- rise slowly to reduce orthostatic hypotension
T- treatment of htn
E- evaluate BP
end in lol- atenolol (Tenormin)
B- bradycardia
B- blood pressure too low
B- bronchial constriction
B- blood sugar is masked when low
amlodipine (norvasc), diltiazem (cardizem), nifedipine (procardia)
B- blocks calcium access to cells
I- indicated for htn
L- let client take drug with milk or meal
L- light and moisture- protect
D- diet; increase K+ for all except aldactone
I- intake, output, daily weight monitoring
U- undesirable effects- F&E imbalance
R- review HR, BP, and electrolytes
E- elderly careful, evening dose not recommended
T- take with or after meals and in AM
I- incrase risk of orthostatic hypotension, move slowly
C- cancel alcohol and cigs
warfarin (coumadin)
what food should be avoided?
prothrombin time is monitored 1.5-2.5 X control is the therapeutic range
Vit K is the antidote
Green leafy veg should be avoided
C- check vital signs, platelte count, and PT
O- observe bleeding
R- review bleeding protocol
A- avoid ASA, may use acetaminophen
PTT must be monitored 1.5-2.5 X control
Antidote is protamine sulfate
hospitalization is required for IV heparin
B- bleeding, brochospasms- undesired effects
L- lowers risk of atherosclerotic events
E- evaluate bruising
E- evaluate liver function
D- do take with food or after meals
competitive inhibitors of HMG-COA reductase, an enzyme necessary for cholesterol biosynthesis
indicated for hypercholesterolemia
atorvastatin (lipitor), simvastatin (zocor)
S- statin is the ending
T- take with food and at bedtime
A- always consume 2-3 L of fluid daily
T- teach client to do exercise and weight reduction as well
T- treat hypercholesterolemia
I- increase fiber in diet
N- never give if with liver disease
M- monitor superinfections
E- evaluate renal/liver function
D- diarrhea- take yogurt
I- inform provider prior to taking other meds
C- cultures prior to initial dose
A- alcohol is out, ask about allergy
T- take full course
E- evaluate cultures, WBC, temp, blood
end in mycin
*serious infections caused by gram- negative infections
G- gulp 10-12 glasses of fluid daily, GI distress (undesirable effect)
O- output and input monitor closely
U- uric acid production decreased, use no alcohol
T- take after meals
G- gingival hyperplasia
U- use alternate birth control
M- mouth care; preventative dental check up
S- soft toothbrush don't stop abruptly
L- level therapeutic 0.6-1.2 meq/l
I-increased urination
T- thirst increased
H- headache and tremor
I- increase fluids
LIDOCAINE pneumonic
(antiarrhythmic drug- subclass 1B)
L- local anasthetic
I- ICU popular antiarrythmic
D- digitalis toxicity used
O- orally inactive
C- cinetidine+ propanolol
A- decrease Automacity
I- inactivated Na Channel blocker
N- nystagmus
E- eye blurred vision, ECG change
Beta-1 are therefore primarily in the heart.
Beta-2 primarily in the lungs.
A taxia
B lood dyscrasia
C left lip
D upuytrens / Vit D deficiency
E xfoliation of skin & Stevens Johnson's
F its
G I upset/gum hypertrophy
H epatitis/hairy
A taxia
B ehavioral disturbance
C oncentration decreased/coma
D epression/drowsy/diplopia
C ough
A naphylaxis
P alpitations
T aste
O rthostatic hypotension
P otassium elevated
R enal impairment
I mpotence
L eukocytosis
C-cushings syndrome
R-retardation of growth
T-thin skin n easy brusibility
I-infections n immunosupression
C-cataract n glaucoma
S-supression of HPA axis
T-thining n ulceration of gastric mucosa
E-Emotional disturbance
R-rise in BP
I-Increase in hair growth(hirsuitism)
O-otherz like fetal abnormalties n hypokalemia
D-diabetes mellitus precipitation
Drugs for heart failure-
< 3 D's for heart
failure >
STOP breathing':
Sedatives and hypnotics
If you forget your TB drugs, you'll die and might need a PRIEST':
Isoniazid (INH)
'You'd get a respiratory infection if you shoot an ARO (arrow) laced with viruses into the lungs':
serious complications of oral birth control pills
stomach problems
alters PSA
watch for bloody urine
before couldn't think well.. now can think better!
a major complication with this medicine is lactic acidosis
identify sensitivity to contact materials such as soap, pollen, and dyes.. allergen on patch is placed in contact with back, arms, or thighs. Patch is left in place for 48 hours. Site is aired for 15 min, then read. Wheal is the definitive reaction measured from 1+ to 4+. Emergency equipment must be available in case of anaphylaxis.
after applying eye drops how long do you hold pressure to the inner corner of eyelid?
down and back
*older than 3 up and back
They should remain in position for a few min after application
vigorously 5-6 times prior to use. The client may position her mouth around the device or 2-4 cm in front of mouth
not to be shaken, and the client should place the mouthpiece between lips.
*For DPI and MDI client should exhale and then inhale the med deeply through the mouth for 3-5 sec and then hold breath for 5-10 sec.
the spacer keeps the med in the device longer and thereby facilitates delivery of the med to the lungs and decreases the amount of med deposited in the oropharynx. This is beneficial for the delivery of glucocorticoids
refrigerated! Remove foil wrapper and lubricate supposiory if needed. Instruct client to retain med and not expel it. Rectal suppositories are insterted beyond the internal sphincter and vaginal suppositories are inserted with an applicator.
used for irritating meds, solutions in oils, and aqueous suspensions.
common sites are the ventrogluteal, dorsogluteal, deltoid, and vastus lateralis (peds).
needle gauge 22-25, 18-27 needle size
1 1/2 inch long and inject 90 degree angle.
1-3 ml. If a greater amount is required it should be divided into 2 syringes and two different sites should be used.
prevents medication from leaking back into subcutaneous tissue
used for meds that cause visible or permanent skin stains such as certain iron preps
tuberculin testing or checking med/allergy sensitivities
may be used for cancer immunotherapy
small amount of solution 0.01-0.1 ml in a tuberculin syringe with a fine gauge needle 26-27 in lightly pigmented, think skin, hairless site. 10-15 degree angle
They should not be crushed or diluted as med will be absorbed at a faster rate than recommended.
When should a breastfeeding mother take medication to ensure the least amount is recieved by the infant?
immediately after breastfeeding so this will minimize med concentration in the next feeding
pt in lithotomy position, elevate hips with pillow
remain in position for 5-10 min after application
wash applicator with warm soapy water after each use.
are effective against a few species of microorganisms such as gram positive cocci, gram positive bacilli, and gram neg aerobes
effective against a wide variety of microorganisms
what should be collected prior to antimicrobial therapy
prescribed antimicrobial meds should be taken with what freq?
around the clock to maintain therapeutic blood levels
organ toxicity (nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity)
decrease oral contraceptives effectiveness
gram + cocci such as streptococcus pneumonia (pnuemonia and meningitis)infectious endocarditis, streptococcus pyogenes (pharyngitis)
meningitis - gram neg cocci and for treatment of syphillus
should penicillin and aminoglycosides be mixed in same intravenous solution
no, b/c penicillin inactivates aminoglycosides when mixed in same IV solution
nurse gives penicillin, what should nurse watch for?
observe client 30 min following admin of parenteral penicillin
monitor clients kidney function and cardiac and electrolyte status
________ are beta lactam antibiotics sim to penicillins that destroy bacterial cell walls causing destruction of the micro-organism
cephalosporins, grouped into 4 generations. they are broad spectrum with a high therapeutic index that treat UTI, post op infections, pelvic infections, and meningitis
food, oral cephalosporin suspensions should be stored in the refrigerator.
meropenem, beta lactam antibiotics that destroy bacterial cell wall
effective for serious infections like pneumonia, peritonitis, and uti cause by gram positive cocci, gram neg cocci and bacilli, and mixed aerobic and anaerobic bacteria.
beta lactam antibiotics destroy bacterial cell wall
*drug of choice for serious infections caused by methicillin resistant staph and c-diff
1-2 hrs after completion of IV infusion. Appropriate peak levels are between 30-40 mg/ml
clear breath sounds, wound healing, improvement of sx of antibiotic associated pseudo colitis symptoms such as resolution of diarrhea and negative stool cultures for c-diff.
other meds- doxycycline. Broad spectrum antibiotics that inhibit microorganism growth by preventing protein synthesis (bacteriostatic). Tx acne. 1st line med for rickettsia (rocky mountain spotted fever, typhus fever, infections of urethra or cervix caused by chlamydia, lyme disease, anthrax, GI infections caused by h.pylori and periodontal disease.
children under 8, yellow/brown tooth discoloration
avoid taking it at bedtime to reduce the risk of esophageal ulceration
taking tetracycline with milk/calcium/mag/antacids
should take tetracyclines at least 1 hr before and 2 hr after taking food and supplements containing calcium and mag
Tetracyclines should not be given with food except for?
erythromycin, clindamycin, axithromycin, etc
slows the growth of microorganisms by inhibiting protein synthesis. At high doses it can be bactericidal.
treat infection in clients with a penicillin allergy. ex) diptheria, whoop cough, chlamydia.
antihistamines, theophyline (asthma med), carbamazepine (anticonvulsant), and warfarin (anticoagulant). result in toxicity
bactericidal antibiotics disrupt protein synthesis. med of choice against aerobic gram neg bacilli
peak levels of aminoglycosides should be obtained?
TMP- bactrim. inhibit bacterial growth by inhibiting synthesis of folic acid. folic acid is essential for production of DNA, RNA, and proteins.
for uti caused by e.coli and other infections (otitis media, bronchitis, shigellosis, pneumonia)
clients with a folate deficiency, b/c it increases the risk of megaloblastic anemia. Avoid use in pregnancy and lactation risk of kernicterus increases. Do not use if creatinine clearance is less than 15 ml/min
isoniazid INH, streptomycin, ethambutol, pyranzinamide
highly specific for mycobacteria. Inhibits growth of mycobacteria by preventing sysnthesis of mycolic acid in cell wall. Indicated for active and latent use.
latent- INH only daily for 6 months
active- multiple med therapy including INH, rifampin, pyrazinamide, and/or pyridoxine daily for 6 months.
on an empty stomach 1 hr before meals or 2 hrs after. Can taken INH with meals if GI upset occurs.
prevents reproduction of viral DNA
med of choice for HSV, chicken pox, and cytomegalovirus.
tx of choice for CMV retinitis in immunocompromised clients with HIV, transplant clients at risk for CMV infection. Med of choice for CMV (cytomegalovirus).
pt on ganciclovir, if neutrophil count is below 500?
stop treatment. Cell counts improve within 3-5 days.
Drug Cards For Pharmacology
it is tetratogenic, women should avoid pregnancy during course of therapy and for 90 days after the end of therapy. males should be informed about sterility.
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Join Our premium Membership Only For $ 15
About the book::
A fun, fast, portable review of pharmacology for the USMLE Step 1
Written by former medical students at Yale University, LANGE Pharmacology Flash Cards, Fourth Editionoffer concise, yet complete coverage of the subject. Each card covers a specific disease or drug, with high-yield facts in bold. Every card also includes a clinical vignette on the flip side which helps students answer the question 'when is this medication the answer in real-world clinical practice?'
· 200 two-sided cards in the deck
· Essential for board review and coursework
· Created by medical students for medical students
· Clinical vignettes show students how important concepts relate to real-world practice
Books you may like::
What student say about lange pharmacology flashcards fourth edition 2018 ::
Table Of Contents
About the Authors
1 Anti-Bacterial Agents
2 Adrenergic Agents
3 Cholinergic Agents
4 Central Nervous System Agents
5 Cardiovascular Agents
[expand title='Read More' trigclass='highlight' tag='strong']
6 Hematologic Agents
7 Endocrine and Metabolic Agents
8 Gastrointestinal Agents
9 Anti-Neoplastic Agents
10 Anti-Inflammatory Agents
11 General Pharmacology Principles and Miscellaneous Agents
D- dig level 2ng/ml or greater is toxic
I- inhibits sodium potassium ATPase
G-GI or CNS signs indicate adverse effects (N/A for adult toxicity, stomach upset in older child
O-output, intake, and weight should be monitored
X- dont give if pulse is less than 60 bpm
I- indicated for CHF- a-fib
N- note K+, ECG, and renal function tests
N- nervousness (undesirable effect)
A- angina, arrhythmia (undesirable)
S- sugar is increased
C- cardiac arrest
A- allergic reaction
R-respiratory bronchodilator
S- stim alpha and beta adrenergic receptors
H- hypovolemia- should be corrected before using drug
O- output of urine should increase
C- constriction of blood vessels
K- keep monitoring vital signs every 5-15 min
A- avoid alcohol
N- note BP and apical pulse before admin
G- given to relax the vascular smooth system
I- indicated for angina pectoris
N-note for postural hypotension; rise slowly
A- advice client to see medical assistance if pain is unrelieved after 3 doses with 5 min interval
S- suppresses renin angiotensin aldosterone system
W- warn clinet with renal or thyroid diseases
E- ends with pril- captopril (capoten) enalapril (vasotec)
R- rise slowly to reduce orthostatic hypotension
T- treatment of htn
E- evaluate BP
end in lol- atenolol (Tenormin)
B- bradycardia
B- blood pressure too low
B- bronchial constriction
B- blood sugar is masked when low
amlodipine (norvasc), diltiazem (cardizem), nifedipine (procardia)
B- blocks calcium access to cells
I- indicated for htn
L- let client take drug with milk or meal
L- light and moisture- protect
D- diet; increase K+ for all except aldactone
I- intake, output, daily weight monitoring
U- undesirable effects- F&E imbalance
R- review HR, BP, and electrolytes
E- elderly careful, evening dose not recommended
T- take with or after meals and in AM
I- incrase risk of orthostatic hypotension, move slowly
C- cancel alcohol and cigs
warfarin (coumadin)
what food should be avoided?
prothrombin time is monitored 1.5-2.5 X control is the therapeutic range
Vit K is the antidote
Green leafy veg should be avoided
C- check vital signs, platelte count, and PT
O- observe bleeding
R- review bleeding protocol
A- avoid ASA, may use acetaminophen
PTT must be monitored 1.5-2.5 X control
Antidote is protamine sulfate
hospitalization is required for IV heparin
B- bleeding, brochospasms- undesired effects
L- lowers risk of atherosclerotic events
E- evaluate bruising
E- evaluate liver function
D- do take with food or after meals
competitive inhibitors of HMG-COA reductase, an enzyme necessary for cholesterol biosynthesis
indicated for hypercholesterolemia
atorvastatin (lipitor), simvastatin (zocor)
S- statin is the ending
T- take with food and at bedtime
A- always consume 2-3 L of fluid daily
T- teach client to do exercise and weight reduction as well
T- treat hypercholesterolemia
I- increase fiber in diet
N- never give if with liver disease
M- monitor superinfections
E- evaluate renal/liver function
D- diarrhea- take yogurt
I- inform provider prior to taking other meds
C- cultures prior to initial dose
A- alcohol is out, ask about allergy
T- take full course
E- evaluate cultures, WBC, temp, blood
end in mycin
*serious infections caused by gram- negative infections
G- gulp 10-12 glasses of fluid daily, GI distress (undesirable effect)
O- output and input monitor closely
U- uric acid production decreased, use no alcohol
T- take after meals
G- gingival hyperplasia
U- use alternate birth control
M- mouth care; preventative dental check up
S- soft toothbrush don't stop abruptly
L- level therapeutic 0.6-1.2 meq/l
I-increased urination
T- thirst increased
H- headache and tremor
I- increase fluids
LIDOCAINE pneumonic
(antiarrhythmic drug- subclass 1B)
L- local anasthetic
I- ICU popular antiarrythmic
D- digitalis toxicity used
O- orally inactive
C- cinetidine+ propanolol
A- decrease Automacity
I- inactivated Na Channel blocker
N- nystagmus
E- eye blurred vision, ECG change
Beta-1 are therefore primarily in the heart.
Beta-2 primarily in the lungs.
A taxia
B lood dyscrasia
C left lip
D upuytrens / Vit D deficiency
E xfoliation of skin & Stevens Johnson's
F its
G I upset/gum hypertrophy
H epatitis/hairy
A taxia
B ehavioral disturbance
C oncentration decreased/coma
D epression/drowsy/diplopia
C ough
A naphylaxis
P alpitations
T aste
O rthostatic hypotension
P otassium elevated
R enal impairment
I mpotence
L eukocytosis
C-cushings syndrome
R-retardation of growth
T-thin skin n easy brusibility
I-infections n immunosupression
C-cataract n glaucoma
S-supression of HPA axis
T-thining n ulceration of gastric mucosa
E-Emotional disturbance
R-rise in BP
I-Increase in hair growth(hirsuitism)
O-otherz like fetal abnormalties n hypokalemia
D-diabetes mellitus precipitation
Drugs for heart failure-
< 3 D's for heart
failure >
STOP breathing':
Sedatives and hypnotics
If you forget your TB drugs, you'll die and might need a PRIEST':
Isoniazid (INH)
'You'd get a respiratory infection if you shoot an ARO (arrow) laced with viruses into the lungs':
serious complications of oral birth control pills
stomach problems
alters PSA
watch for bloody urine
before couldn't think well.. now can think better!
a major complication with this medicine is lactic acidosis
identify sensitivity to contact materials such as soap, pollen, and dyes.. allergen on patch is placed in contact with back, arms, or thighs. Patch is left in place for 48 hours. Site is aired for 15 min, then read. Wheal is the definitive reaction measured from 1+ to 4+. Emergency equipment must be available in case of anaphylaxis.
after applying eye drops how long do you hold pressure to the inner corner of eyelid?
down and back
*older than 3 up and back
They should remain in position for a few min after application
vigorously 5-6 times prior to use. The client may position her mouth around the device or 2-4 cm in front of mouth
not to be shaken, and the client should place the mouthpiece between lips.
*For DPI and MDI client should exhale and then inhale the med deeply through the mouth for 3-5 sec and then hold breath for 5-10 sec.
the spacer keeps the med in the device longer and thereby facilitates delivery of the med to the lungs and decreases the amount of med deposited in the oropharynx. This is beneficial for the delivery of glucocorticoids
refrigerated! Remove foil wrapper and lubricate supposiory if needed. Instruct client to retain med and not expel it. Rectal suppositories are insterted beyond the internal sphincter and vaginal suppositories are inserted with an applicator.
used for irritating meds, solutions in oils, and aqueous suspensions.
common sites are the ventrogluteal, dorsogluteal, deltoid, and vastus lateralis (peds).
needle gauge 22-25, 18-27 needle size
1 1/2 inch long and inject 90 degree angle.
1-3 ml. If a greater amount is required it should be divided into 2 syringes and two different sites should be used.
prevents medication from leaking back into subcutaneous tissue
used for meds that cause visible or permanent skin stains such as certain iron preps
tuberculin testing or checking med/allergy sensitivities
may be used for cancer immunotherapy
small amount of solution 0.01-0.1 ml in a tuberculin syringe with a fine gauge needle 26-27 in lightly pigmented, think skin, hairless site. 10-15 degree angle
They should not be crushed or diluted as med will be absorbed at a faster rate than recommended.
When should a breastfeeding mother take medication to ensure the least amount is recieved by the infant?
immediately after breastfeeding so this will minimize med concentration in the next feeding
pt in lithotomy position, elevate hips with pillow
remain in position for 5-10 min after application
wash applicator with warm soapy water after each use.
are effective against a few species of microorganisms such as gram positive cocci, gram positive bacilli, and gram neg aerobes
effective against a wide variety of microorganisms
what should be collected prior to antimicrobial therapy
prescribed antimicrobial meds should be taken with what freq?
around the clock to maintain therapeutic blood levels
organ toxicity (nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity)
decrease oral contraceptives effectiveness
gram + cocci such as streptococcus pneumonia (pnuemonia and meningitis)infectious endocarditis, streptococcus pyogenes (pharyngitis)
meningitis - gram neg cocci and for treatment of syphillus
should penicillin and aminoglycosides be mixed in same intravenous solution
no, b/c penicillin inactivates aminoglycosides when mixed in same IV solution
nurse gives penicillin, what should nurse watch for?
observe client 30 min following admin of parenteral penicillin
monitor clients kidney function and cardiac and electrolyte status
________ are beta lactam antibiotics sim to penicillins that destroy bacterial cell walls causing destruction of the micro-organism
cephalosporins, grouped into 4 generations. they are broad spectrum with a high therapeutic index that treat UTI, post op infections, pelvic infections, and meningitis
food, oral cephalosporin suspensions should be stored in the refrigerator.
meropenem, beta lactam antibiotics that destroy bacterial cell wall
effective for serious infections like pneumonia, peritonitis, and uti cause by gram positive cocci, gram neg cocci and bacilli, and mixed aerobic and anaerobic bacteria.
beta lactam antibiotics destroy bacterial cell wall
*drug of choice for serious infections caused by methicillin resistant staph and c-diff
1-2 hrs after completion of IV infusion. Appropriate peak levels are between 30-40 mg/ml
clear breath sounds, wound healing, improvement of sx of antibiotic associated pseudo colitis symptoms such as resolution of diarrhea and negative stool cultures for c-diff.
other meds- doxycycline. Broad spectrum antibiotics that inhibit microorganism growth by preventing protein synthesis (bacteriostatic). Tx acne. 1st line med for rickettsia (rocky mountain spotted fever, typhus fever, infections of urethra or cervix caused by chlamydia, lyme disease, anthrax, GI infections caused by h.pylori and periodontal disease.
children under 8, yellow/brown tooth discoloration
avoid taking it at bedtime to reduce the risk of esophageal ulceration
taking tetracycline with milk/calcium/mag/antacids
should take tetracyclines at least 1 hr before and 2 hr after taking food and supplements containing calcium and mag
Tetracyclines should not be given with food except for?
erythromycin, clindamycin, axithromycin, etc
slows the growth of microorganisms by inhibiting protein synthesis. At high doses it can be bactericidal.
treat infection in clients with a penicillin allergy. ex) diptheria, whoop cough, chlamydia.
antihistamines, theophyline (asthma med), carbamazepine (anticonvulsant), and warfarin (anticoagulant). result in toxicity
bactericidal antibiotics disrupt protein synthesis. med of choice against aerobic gram neg bacilli
peak levels of aminoglycosides should be obtained?
TMP- bactrim. inhibit bacterial growth by inhibiting synthesis of folic acid. folic acid is essential for production of DNA, RNA, and proteins.
for uti caused by e.coli and other infections (otitis media, bronchitis, shigellosis, pneumonia)
clients with a folate deficiency, b/c it increases the risk of megaloblastic anemia. Avoid use in pregnancy and lactation risk of kernicterus increases. Do not use if creatinine clearance is less than 15 ml/min
isoniazid INH, streptomycin, ethambutol, pyranzinamide
highly specific for mycobacteria. Inhibits growth of mycobacteria by preventing sysnthesis of mycolic acid in cell wall. Indicated for active and latent use.
latent- INH only daily for 6 months
active- multiple med therapy including INH, rifampin, pyrazinamide, and/or pyridoxine daily for 6 months.
on an empty stomach 1 hr before meals or 2 hrs after. Can taken INH with meals if GI upset occurs.
prevents reproduction of viral DNA
med of choice for HSV, chicken pox, and cytomegalovirus.
tx of choice for CMV retinitis in immunocompromised clients with HIV, transplant clients at risk for CMV infection. Med of choice for CMV (cytomegalovirus).
pt on ganciclovir, if neutrophil count is below 500?
stop treatment. Cell counts improve within 3-5 days.
Drug Cards For Pharmacology
it is tetratogenic, women should avoid pregnancy during course of therapy and for 90 days after the end of therapy. males should be informed about sterility.
IV bolus, it should be administered by IV infusion slowly over 1 hr or longer. Clients should understand than acyclovir diminishes symptoms but does not cure the virus. For topical admin advise client to put on rubber gloves to avoid transfer of virus to other areas of body.
ciproflaxacin (cipro), levaquin, floxin
inhibits the activity of DNA gyrase, an enzyme needed for the replication of bacteria
broad spectrum antimicrobials used for gram - and gram +, klebsiella, ecoli
ciproflaxacin should not be administered to children less than 18 years of age due to?
quinolones.. contraindicated in children, pregnancy
potential for permanent cartiladge dammage
for inhalation anthrax infection ciproflaxacin is administered every?
treat UTI and otitis media, used prophylactically in pts susceptible to streptococcal infection or rheumatic fever when penicillin is contraindicated
metronidazole (flagyl)
only effective against anaerobic bacteria
GI discomfort, dry mouth, metallic taste, dark urine (harmless effect of med), CNS symptoms (stop med)
no more bloody muscoid diarrhea,
has formed stool, neg stool for ameba and giardia. Negative blood cultures for anaerobic organisms in the CNS
inhibit protein synthesis or bacterial cells
Treat VRE and MRSA
Free Printable Pharmacology Flash Cards For Beginners
Alter cellular RNA synthesis and phosphate metabolism
tx- tb
S/E- N, V, A, abdominal cramps
serious- red greeen vision change, confusion, hallucination, blurred vision
prevent RNA synthesis by inhibiting DNA dependent RNA polymerase
use- eliminate meningococci and H. influenza type b, hib from asymptomatic carriers
s/e- reddish orange discoloration of secretions
acts on fungal cell membranes to increase cell permeability which results in leakage of intracellular cations leading to cell death. These agents can be fungistatic (slow growth) or fungicidal (destroys fungus).
tx systemic life threatening fungal infections. Administration of amphotericin B should be infused slowly over 2-4 hr by IV route. Renal dammage can be lessened with administration of 1L saline solution on the day of amphotericin B infusion.
antifungal used to tx superficial fungal infections; dermatophytic infections, tinea pedis, tinea cruiris.
fever, chills, rigors, h/a 1-3 hr after innitiation. Pretreat with diphenhydramine (Benadryl) and aspirin. Meperidine or dantrolene may be given for rigors
use lipid based prep of amphotericin B to minimize reactions
stop cell division and new growth
tx ringworm
s/e N,V, abdominal cramps
activate B cells and are responsible for teh delayed hypersensitivity reaction
destroy target cells directly causing death of the microorganism
Diptheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine DTAP
single dose at 12-18 months or 2 doses administered 4 weeks apart if administered after age 13
pregnant women and children who are allergic to eggs, gelatin, and neomycin
client with hx of thrombocytopenia, or thrombocytopenic purpura
immunocompromised children
clients with advanced HIV
for clients who recently recieved blood products or immunoglobulins
severe febrile illness
occurence of encephalopathy 7 days after administering DTAP immunization
an occurence of seizure within 3 days of vaccination
prior hx of anaphylactic reaction
an allergy to bakers yeast
if you have a hypersensitivity to eggs can you get the influenza vaccine?
no, vaccine is grown in eggs and may contain small amount of egg proteins. conduct a skin test prior to administration
annually after age 50, earlier if specific risk factors
one dose at age 65 and revaccinate every 6-8 years after initial vaccination
passive immunity and provide gamma globulin antibodies
effective when- prevention of infection and increase platelets
within 6 days of measles exposure, 7 days of hep B exposure, and within 14 days of hep A exposure
immunostimulant enhance host immune response and reduce proliferation of cancer cells
hairy cell leukemia, chronic myelogenous leukemia, malignant melanoma, AIDS
flu like sx, bone marrow suppression, alopecia, cardiotoxicty, neurotoxicity, hypotension
antihypertensives, retrovir ( increase risk of neutropenia), theophylline
store med in refrigerator and do not freeze. Administer at room temp. Do not shake vial. Admin subcutaneously or IM as prescribed.
cyclosporine, glucocorticoid, prednisone, cytotoxics, imuran, prograf, rehumatrex
suppression of the proliferation of b cells and t cells.
immunosuppressants are used for the tx of autoimmune disorders, RA, SLE, myasthenia gravis, early type 1 diabetes.
famvir, inhibit viral replication, tx recurrent infections of genital herpes and acute herpes zoster
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hiv inhib viral replication. Used in combin with other antiviral agents to HIV-1.
H1 receptors which results in blocking histamine release in the small blood vessels, capilaries, and nerves during an allergic reaction.
contraindicated during the third trimester of pregnancy for mothers who are breastfeeding and for newborns. Newborns are sensitive to the sedation effects of this med
cytoxan, methotrexate, rheumatrex,
destroy cancer cells as well as healthy cells by preventing the replication of DNA.
bone marrow suppression
GI discomfort,
reproductive toxicity- males sperm bank before tx
hyperuricemia- elevated levels of uric acid may cause renal dammage
* administer allopurinol is uric acid level is elevated.
when should a pt preparing for chemo select a hairpiece?
patient who has recieved immune globulins, whole blood, serum, and specific immune globulins, when should MMR vaccine be scheduled?
tinnitus, sweating, headache and dizziness, respiratory alkalosis
when should aspirin be stopped before a scheduled surgery
provides analgesia w/o anti-inflammatory. Ketorolac should ne used no more than 5 days. Usually started as a parenteral administration and then progresses to oral doses.
places client at risk for bleeding, watch for bruising, petechia, hematuria,
opiod agonist- morphine sulfate
fentanyl, demerol, oxycontin
act on the mu receptors, produces analgesia, respiratory depression, euphoria, and sedation,
relieve of moderate to severe pain
CNS depressants (barbituates, benzo's, and consumption of alcohol)
for distention by palpating the lower abdomen area every 4-6 hr
do not administer more than 600 mg/24 hr and limit its use to less than 48 hrs
intravenously slowly over a period of 4-5 min, have narcan and resuscitation equipment available.
on a fixed schedule around the clock, not when necessary
stadol and talwin
low potential for abuse
less respiratory depression
cause analgesia, sedation, and decrease GI motility
tx- of mild to moderate pain
cramping, htn, vomitting, may be precipitated when given to clients who are physically dependent on opiod agonsits.
tx of opiod overdose
reversal of respiratory depression
S/E- tachypnea and tachycardia
abstinence syndrome may also occur
tricyclic antidepressants- elavil
anticonvulsants- tegretol, neurontin, dilantin
CNS stimulant- ritalin, dexedrine
antihistamine- vistaril
glucocorticoids- decadron, deltasone
biphosphonates- didronel and aredia
*used in combin with opiods, cannot be used as a substitute